

Sophie and Eva joined forces in 2018 to offer a production structure for dance and performance artists that is not only competent and structured, but also soft and flexible, depending on what is needed. In 2022 Nefeli joined the team. The three of us offer a variety of services: from applications, budget planning and administration to communication, tour management and post-production. We’re also very nice.


Eva Holzinger studied theatre, film and media as well as communication studies in Vienna, Copenhagen and Berlin. From 2015 until 2017, she worked as a production manager at brut Vienna before creating mollusca productions with Sophie Schmeiser. She is also a freelance editor; she has been working for INDIE, Material Girl, FLEISCH and WALD and is currently writing for C/O Vienna Magazine and period.


Sophie Schmeiser studied linguistics and roman studies at the University of Vienna and the Université Jean Moulin, Lyon III and coaching and organisational development at the ARGE Bildungsmanagement Vienna. She has been a freelance production and tour manager in the field of performance and theatre since 2012 and accompanied amongst a lot of other artists Simon Mayer and Kopf hoch from 2014-19 before starting to collaborate with Eva Holzinger.


Nefeli Antoniadi studied architecture in Athens and Vienna and arts management in Utrecht. She worked in various fields before starting to accompany theater, performance and festival productions. She now works as a freelance production manager in Vienna. One part of her work is contributing her skills and mussels to mollusca productions and she’s very happy about it.


mollusca productions was strengthened 2020-2022 by Anina Kriechbaum and 2023 during the Choreographic Platform Austria by Bernadette Maria Leitner.

(c) Hanna Fasching

(c) Igor Ripak



Informationspflicht laut §5 E-Commerce Gesetz, §14 Unternehmensgesetzbuch, §63 Gewerbeordnung und Offenlegungspflicht laut §25 Mediengesetz.



Eva Holzinger

Garbergasse 10/17, 1060 Wien


+43 676 9741388

Unternehmensgegenstand: Produktionsbüro mit Schwerpunkt auf den freien Künsten

Berufsbezeichnung: Kultur- und Produktionsmanagement


Gestaltung und Programmierung

Gerhard Holzinger



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